Art Matters Periodical Design

The Toledo Museum of Art reached out to Madhouse to take ArTMAtters, their member periodical, to the next level in design, content, and purpose. From the masthead and color palette to the new content structure and grid-based design, the revised Art Matters invites readers to think more critically and establishes TMA as thought leader of their industry.

To aid TMA’s internal team in designing future editions, the final concept was translated into a design style guide and digital template. This included design decisions on typography, grid/layout, content structure, color palette, pacing, and typographic wayfinding, in addition to a new masthead.

Toledo Museum of Art

Concept Development
Content Structure Recommendations
Design Style Guide
Template Creation

Bill Sattler, Creative Director,
Molly Luetke, Project Manager,

Masthead: Before & After

The previous masthead was ready to be modernized — removing the condensed type and forced relationship between Art and Matters.

In its place, a high-contrast stencil-esque masthead nods to open thoughts, space for reflection, and diverse thinking.



Content Organization

Art Matters would typically serve as a mini-report with highlights from recent exhibitions and events. In addition to this content, TMA leadership looked to add content that challenged readers to think more critically and consider the role of art not only locally, but nationally and globally.

To support this, a new content strategy was recommended in partnership with TMA’s copywriters. The content was divided into three core sections: Think, Experience, Do.

Cover Design

Each issue of Art Matters historically features a full-size cover image of new or noteworthy work of art in the museum’s collection.

The revised cover format opts for creative crops at various ratios – giving the designer room to play within a recognizable system.

The system also includes an option to swap the cover flood color every year, creating a visual organization system and pushing the collectible mindset for the members who receive the publication

Design System

A look at excerpts detailing the grid, typography, visual typesetting cues, and color palette behind Art Matters.

Design Styles & Inspiration

Recommendations are nothing without road-testing. These layouts explore the design decisions and serve as proof-points to the flexibility and versatility of the system.


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